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 Sep 15, 2023|View:271
  • Due to the high ambient temperature in Dubai,In high Temperature Areas: A water-cooled system works much better when your environment has a high temperature since it doesn't use ambient air to cool things down. Small Spaces: A water-cooled condenser will be a better choice if you have a small space for your unit.

    Let's take a look at the advantages of water-cooled condensing units:

  • Water-cooled condensers use water as the cooling medium to remove heat through water flow.

  • They are generally more efficient than air-cooled condensers because water conducts heat better than air.

  • Water-cooled condensers are suitable for high temperature and high humidity environments because they are not affected by ambient humidity.

  • Water-cooled condensers require an additional water source and cooling tower, which can increase installation and maintenance costs.

Schematic diagram of screw parallel condensing water cooling unit

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Tel: 0086-15961168909
Add: LuoYangtown, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 
CHINA 213176
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