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Cold storage installation easy to be ignored
 Oct 28, 2019|View:155

An cold storage project has been designed, it is time to go into the steps of cold storage installation.So what should we pay attention to when installing cold storage?Precautions for cold storage installation are as follows:

In order to maintain a certain low temperature in the cold storage, it is necessary to pay attention to the installation of the cold storage: the floor, walls and ceiling of the cold storage are laid with heat insulation materials of a certain thickness to reduce the heat from the outside world.In order to reduce the absorption of solar radiation, the exterior wall of the refrigerator is usually painted white or light color.Therefore, the cold storage building is different from general industrial and civil buildings and has its unique structure.The cold storage building should prevent the infiltration of air and the diffusion of water vapor.

When the outdoor air enters the cold storage body, it will not only increase the cold consumption of the cold storage, but also bring water into the storage. The condensation of water will cause damage to the building structure, especially the heat insulation structure, which is affected by the moisture and freeze. Therefore, it is necessary to set moisture-proof heat insulation layer, so that the cold storage building can keep the moisture-proof and air-proof performance and good tightness.

The foundation of the freezer is affected by low temperature, and the moisture in the soil is easy to be frozen.Due to the volume expansion of soil after freezing, the ground rupture and deformation of the whole building structure will be caused. If the damage is serious, it may even make the refrigerator unusable.For this reason, in addition to the effective thermal insulation layer on the cold storage floor, the thermal insulation layer must also be processed to prevent the soil from freezing.The bottom plate of the cold storage should pile up a large number of goods and pass through all kinds of loading, unloading and transportation machinery, so its structure should be strong and have greater bearing capacity.In low temperature environment, especially in periodic freezing and melting cycle, building structure is vulnerable to damage.Therefore, the structure of each part of the cold storage and the cold storage building materials should have enough frost resistance.

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Add: LuoYangtown, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 
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