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Analysis On The Common Problems Of Refrigerant Affecting The Temperature Of Blast Freezer Col​d Room
 Aug 07, 2020|View:166

Analysis On The Common Problems Of Refrigerant Affecting The Temperature Of Blast Freezer Cold Room

The blast freezer cold room of Yangchuan is an important factor affecting the temperature of the cold room. The improper regulation or blockage of the throttle valve will directly affect the refrigerant flow into the evaporator. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the refrigerant status. When the throttling valve is opened too large, the refrigerant flow is too large, the evaporating pressure and the evaporating temperature are also increased, and the temperature of the refrigerating chamber will decrease, the cooling capacity of the system will also be reduced, and the blast freezer cold room chamber will also be slowed down.

Analysis On The Common Problems Of Refrigerant Affecting The Temperature Of Blast Freezer Cold Room

Generally can be observed by evaporating pressure, evaporating temperature and suction tube frosting to determine whether the throttle valve refrigerant flow is appropriate. The blockage of throttle valve is an important factor which affects the flow rate of refrigerant. The main reasons causing the blockage of throttle valve are ice blockage and dirty blockage. Ice Blockage is due to the poor drying effect of the dryer, refrigerant containing water, flow through the throttle valve, the temperature drops below 0℃, refrigerant water into ice and plug throttle hole; Dirty block is due to the throttle inlet filter screen accumulated more dirty, refrigerant flow is not smooth, forming a block.

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