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How to choose the right evaporator?
 May 06, 2022|View:357

How to choose the right evaporator?

It is well known that air coolers use different fin spacings depending on the desired ambient temperature. The most commonly used cooling fan fin spacing in the refrigeration industry is 4mm, 4.5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm, and there are also front and rear variable fin spacings.

If the fin pitch of the air cooler is small, the air cooler is suitable for use in a high-temperature environment; the lower the temperature of the cold storage, the larger the fin spacing of the refrigerator.


If the air cooler is not properly selected, the fins will freeze too quickly, and the air outlet channel of the air cooler will soon be blocked by ice, causing the temperature of the cold room to drop slowly. Once the refrigeration efficiency of the compressor cannot be fully utilized, the power consumption of the refrigeration system will eventually increase.

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