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Methods and skills of polyurethane cold room board installation
 Aug 21, 2020|View:197

Methods and skills of polyurethane cold room board installation

For cold storage, the choice of polyurethane cold room board is very important. Because polyurethane cold room is different from ordinary warehouse, the temperature in polyurethane cold room is very low, generally below zero, and it is very important for air temperature, humidity, and environment. The requirements are relatively high.

Methods and skills of polyurethane cold room board installation

Polyurethane cold room is mainly used for the freezing processing and cold storage of food, medicine, and machinery. It uses artificial refrigeration to keep the room at a certain low temperature.

Polyurethane cold room has low technology content, small temperature control range, unmatched related facilities, and some are old and aging. From the system and scope of application, they belong to meat, aquatic, fruit and vegetable enterprises. The efficiency of self-operated cold storage is not high.

Medical cold storage, also called medical cold storage, is widely used for the storage and storage of various medicines, vaccines, blood, plasma, medicaments, reagents, stem cells, bone marrow, biological products and other medical supplies.

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Tel: 0086-15961168909
Add: LuoYangtown, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 
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