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Condenser action
 Oct 31, 2019|View:122

Condensers are used in refrigeration plants to condense refrigerating vapors such as ammonia and freon.

The petrochemical industry USES condensers to condense hydrocarbons and other chemical vapors.In the process of distillation, a device that converts steam into a liquid state is called a condenser.

In a power plant, many condensers are used to condense the steam from the turbine;

All condensers run by taking heat away from gas or steam.For some applications, the gas must pass through a long tube (usually coiled into a solenoid) to allow heat to escape into the surrounding air.To improve the efficiency of the condenser, heat sink is often attached to the pipe to accelerate the heat dissipation.Heat sink is a plate made of metal with good heat conduction.Such condensers usually also use a fan to force air through the fins and away from the tropics.

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Add: LuoYangtown, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 
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